Also known as The Age of Heroes, Homeric Greece was the time of the Trojan War, the setting from which the great epics, Iliad and the Odyssey were created around.
Hellenistic Greece pertained to the time of Alexander the Great. During this period Greece was at the peak of its influence on the old world, and philosophy and the Sciences had been established as esteemed undertaking.
The Viking Age refers Age refers to a period in Scandinavian history where its people conquered large. Parts of Europe. Traveling in their long ships, they occupied Scotland, England Greenland, the Faroe Islands, Iceland , Ireland , Livonian, Normandy, the Shetland Islands, Sicily, Rus’ and Vinland. Their warlike nature left few historical accounts to be discovered, so their chronicles came primarily from the literature and sagas of the countries they affected, resulting in the romanticized image of the Viking